Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why do sea mammals move their tailfin up & down while fish move theirs side-to-side?

I'm starting to wonder whether these mammals returned to the sea from the land. And whether man's affinity with water and these creatures could undermine Darwinian theories of evolution with respect to humankind.

Whyd did my BBQ tank's?

....hose froze? I mean it looked Iced! needless to say, it stopped giving me gas. The regulator went bust? I guess it is time to get a new one hu... Technicaly speaking, what happened?

Can someone fix my paragraph with out restating it ?

In the story " The story of An Hour" Chopin portrays Mrs. Mallard as," Young, with a fair, clam face".The author implies that despite her yought and beauty, her face shows lines of repression. By stating this, the narrator reveals imagery to the reade,r that Mrs. Mallards character has been unhappy and repressed in her marriage. Even more, with her face revealing lines of repression, she is also exudinga certain strength . Mrs. Mallard said something under her breath, "free, free, free," because she could not keep her true feelings hidden about her husbands death. The characters emotions are so strong that it made her hart beat faster and the surge of the warm blood "relaxed every inch of her body".

Does anyone else think that the series is over?

I don't honestly see this Dallas team losing on Sunday. This is a Dallas team that seems to have been on a mission from the time the playoffs began. This is not the same soft, predictable Dirk Nowitzki. Dirk was the true MVP of the season, and he is playing at an unstoppable level. JJ Barea's insertion into the starting lineup has sparked the Mavs. The Heat have absolutely no player that can guard him. Kidd has his stroke back, Terry is clutch as usual, and Stevenson has hit big shots and played good defense. Chandler as usual was a presence. The Mavericks are so deep, Mahinmi and Cardinal gave quality minutes and effort tonight. They closed out Portland on the road, they beat my Lakers in 4, they beat the Thunder in 5, including a tremendous comeback, and they have won in Miami, once again, in a tremendous comeback. And please don't bring up the Lakers from last year, because there are two ets the Lakers have that Heat don't: Kobe Bryant and heart.

How about those Eskimo's?

I wasted about 2 minutes of my life reading this story in hope that there would be a question at the end that I could answer. Thats why this is called Yahoo answers. You put a news story on here and thats it? You could have put the point you was trying to make by putting the story on here.

How to Enable DEP for certain programs only.?

I am running windows vista home edition and i want to enable DEP for some programs while leaving others alone. I know how to get to the options, but the problem is that my options are greyed out. It says that i need to be a computer administrator and that i need to use the bcdedit.exe file. I am not sure how to be the administrator (I am the only user on this pc). I know that DEP is Essential to the security and i have a security software, but i still want to be sure that i dont get screwed over if i do get a virus. Please help.

Will Obama heed to the demands of Cuba,Iran,Venezuela, North Korea, complaints of human right violations?

He continually apologizes for the U.S. but he can't do much else without the consent of Congress and that is not going to happen now.

Why Did She Keep Saying Sorry !!!!?

ask her this question instead to get the perfect answer, but in my point of view, she's apologizing for having with you despite the fact that she had a boyfriend and you are not her boyfriend. so, tell her that you won't tell. i think she says sorry instead of telling you not to tell what happened to her boyfriend

How many of you G&WS men have been falsely accused of ?

I know someone who was falsely accused of . The only reason his life was not ruined was because the accuser's story was so fantastical and subsequently fell apart during questioning. And regarding your additional deets, it is a personal experience because I am very close to this person and his wrongful incarceration would have affected me.

Do you think the phrase 'Out of context' is used 'out of context on R & S?

It appears that almost every time a logical dismissal of a biblical fallacy or a glaring inconsistency/inaccuracy is pointed out someone replies with: 'You are taking it out of context' I think it is thrown into the pot out of desperation for lack of a response that contains true/any reason. Anyone else think it is a weak, cop out?

Sunni Muslims, Question For Y'all?

When Sunnis pray at a mosque do they say the whole Qu'ran or parts of it. I think it's part of it because praying five times a day and saying the whole Qu'ran would take forever.

Infatuation with girl still in HS help please..?

There is a girl back in HS (senior now(I am in College now)) that I am still infatuated with. We flirted a lot but never spoke, and I find it creepy to get to know her in any other way besides formally. Any ideas, like sneaking back into HS? I know the security guard there he use to be my neighbor xD. Thanks

How cheap have you gotten jeans and fleece at hollister?

I dont know about a fleece unless it was the end of the season but iv got jeans on sale for like 30 before.

What would you think if a guy called you another woman's name?

I have been seeing a guy for a couple of months and I was out at his house and he was like, "Why don't you do this, Daisy?" I stopped in my tracks and thought hmmmm, was that a slip of the tongue and he was calling me a flower cause he is always calling me little nicknames like muffin and such. But Daisy is a woman's name and a red flag began to go up. I decided to listen to all of his conversations and see if he ever mentioned this name again. Yesterday, we were talking on the phone and he mentioned his daughter who is 15 and said one of her friend's was Daisy. My ears perked up and I thought to myself is he fantasizing about me being Daisy? It am a grown woman btw and he is always saying how sweet and innocent I look and I have a son who is an adult and although it is sort of complimentary to be told that I look sweet and innocent, frankly I'm not and havne't been for some time. Also, he likes me to wear clothes like little girl shoes and such and says that is a huge turn on for him and he says how sweet that looks on a woman. I don't want to be going with any weirdo here and want to make sure this guy is alright in the head and not using me as some ual toy. Do you think I have reason for concern here or not? I don't want to confront him about this yet b/c he could have slipped up when he called me Daisy but on the other hand, it seems strange. What do you think?

Chemistry 2 AP help needed?

10 points isn't worth another uneducated person who's not worthy of a fry cook job getting a high school diploma.

What property can i keep in chapter 7 bankruptcy?

We are filing chapter 7. We own and live in one home but have a mobile home that is being paid on by brother in law but is in our name as well as 1/3 ownership in a little over 3 acres (the mobile sits on it). The 3 acres is a life estate and lists his brother and sister as owners too. First lawyer said that it was safe, but now says we have to let it go in the bankruptcy throwing my brother and sister in law out of their homes. the land still has a 6000 lien on it owed to his parents payable in $25 per month for 20 years (only been 9). their lawyer is trustee, his parents overseers and us as inheritants of the property at the end of 20 years. Can the courts actually take this and force his brother and sister off? Please I need a answer asap.

Nursery school not giving application because she is 1 month too young... is it fair?

Most nursery schools set their admission date to conform to the local school district's admission date. That way, children learn with the same group they will be with throughout their school years. Also remember that readiness has as much to do with social and emotional readiness as it does with academic skills. You well may find her going to school with kids who are both more and less capable than her. That's what life is about. If you push her ahead now she will simply have to repeat a year as her friends all go off to kindergarten. I think the school is taking the right position.

Will the Detroit Lions upset the Houston Texans?

I am calling it right here. The Lions are actually going to show up today to play. They are the underdog by 9 1/2 points. I call it Lions by 3. Tell me what you think.

Programming Help in C?

write a function to calculate each average and store the results in an array. Then take this array run a bubblesort on this array to sort the averages in ascending order.

Was the movie Terminator Salvation good?

From a few reviews they say its all action and noise but thats about it. but i never listen to reviews of the critics, they seem to not like the movies i enjoy and love the movies i thought werent worth a penny.

Should I buy a B Guitar or Electric Guitar?? pls c d details?

Music is a force inside of you that screams for some type of release. Whether you do it with a lead guitar or a b or some other instrument is a call that you are going to decide on. You don't do music to get attention. You play and practice because it brings you great joy and inner peace. When people do compliment your playing, you should accept praise with humility and thank them for listening. The fact that they even stopped to listen means that you have communicated non verbally with another and that they get it. When I play or practice with a group, I love to watch the reaction of children. They are uninhibited, they will dance or respond rhythmically to what you are playing. That's when music makes the most sense to me.

Is this possible and or legal?

Can you open a single owner LLC with only a business plan no actual business for the purposes of listing it publicly on OTC or pink sheets to raise capital for start up expenses?

Don't you just hate it when you have to backtrack your answers to find out what waranted the hatemail...?

I backtrack only if I'm curious, but I don't worry about these things. My answers are what they are.

Theutic borading school?

hi i need to find a theutic boarding school in the united states. i have a disorder called schizoaffective disorder. plus depression and all the usually things that you can think of. That has a limited number of BD kid I'm 16 and going in to my junior year,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why are lower back tattoos called tramp stamps?

I think its mean to label a girl because of a lower back tattoo. I mean yes, some are like really low and pretty much on the and have a slutty thing like a erfly or something and get it on purpose to be slutty. But I really want one there but I don't want to be judged and called a just because of a tattoo. What are your opinions on this?

Is it safe to put glitter glue on your nails?

Yes it is safe. The best way is to either get a cheap paint brush or clean off another nail polish brush and paint the glitter on.

Diminishing marginal returns?

Can someone explain the law of diminishing marginal returns in plain, non-technical english language? I read the definition, but I'm not completely understanding the concept.

Barack Obama or John McCain and why??

McCain - Obama is destructive since he promises to raise taxes on the middle cl (when he doubles the capital gains tax - that's on the middle cl)

What does a CAD Cnc operator do exactly?

A CAD designer makes blueprints, while a CNC operator programs the dimensions of an object into a program, which in turn will machine objects to their exact given specifications. As far as I know, they are different professions tho.

Who should I start for week 2?

Trying to determine who to start, got Marion Barber starting as RB1 but need my second to be one of three, either Julius Jones, Cedric Benson, or Knowshan Moreno???

Would you consider this normal or not for a six year old little girl?

My neighbors granddaughter that I babysit occasionally sometimes has bruises and/or scabs on her inner thighs up high near her "privates". She also tends to "please herself" down there by touching and rubbing it. I am very concerned about this and have mixed answers as to if it's normal for someone of such a young age to be doing that. I have questioned her about if anyone was touching her or hurting her, letting her know that it was okay to tell me and we'd make it stop, but she says no one does. What do you think??

Weight Question. Please Help Me?

I just want a flat tummy. I do 20 minutes of cardio 2 days a week, 30-40 minutes of Denise Austin's Best belly fat blaster (they work they make my tummy hurt) and I eat right (no junk food) as much as I can. What else can I do?

Is enlightenment an illness?

Talk about a blessing in disguise. Enlightenment doesn't have to happen like that. Some people are just so stubborn that drastic measures are required.

Do people understand that Catholicism isn't a "denomination" since it's the original Christianity?

I think you may be wrong in that. There seem to be many differences between the beliefs and practices of the catholic church and the church the later part of the New Testament. I am not saying that Catholicism is not a valid and important part of the Christian church today, but to say that it is the original Christianity seems unfair.

Have you ever felt this way and how did you deal with it?

Well, I believe that most people live like this, and how i deal with it is simply making some small easy to accomplish goals that can make me feel a little less directionless.

Re: At wits end...I've been doing the "crating thing" with my dog-?

I would like to get to the point where I don't have to crate him everytime someone/anyone comes over. suggested this-Thank You. I've been doing this his whole life so far (he's 15 mos.) After he's been in the crate for hours and calms down, the MINUTE he's let starts all over again! He will get calm while in the crate and "loses his mind" and all control the moment the door is opened! And in public...I have no crate with me. So I stand there as he jumps 8 feet in the air almost falling over backwards, jumping on who ever is in his path! He's already dislocated his leg doing this! Jumping harnesses, Easy walkers, Prong collars, walking away and shock collar=I will not use...nothing has stopped it! Even his vet doesn't know whay to tell us. Her best advice...other than putting him on drugs- NOT! Don't struggle with him, 'cuz you won't win. He'll grow out of it! Had a personal trainer, that would come to the avail.! Heard it again...he'll grow

Do you think evil people should have rights?

How do you learn if they are evil if they don't have due process rights to make that determination fair to begin with?

Please help me with this brain teaser!!!!?

When the bleachers at a high school basketball game were filled to capacity, they held 319 people. uming that each row contained the same number of people, how many rows were there?

What's best for the Palestinians in Lebanon? 14 March or 8 March?

The best for palestinians is ... Palestine, a free one, for Palestinians, not for invaders, you must be born from a Lebanese father, and in hopefully in few months the LEBANESE mother will too.

What languages does Yemen, United Arab Emirate Syrias, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, speak?

yemen speaks arabic and so does lebanon. saudi arabia speaks arabic too. turky speaks turkish and thats all i know in my mind srry.

To Kill A Mockingbird Questions!!!!!??

Why should someone else do your ignment for you? It's one thing if you just didn't understand part of the story, but it appears you don't even want to open the book. Shame on you.

Oldham school athletics?

my son is going to a school athletics competition tomorrow 14.06.07, although he is very vague about details. does anybody have any idea where and what it might be?

Does NJ Gov Corizine Really Care About Global Warming and the Environment, or is he Just a Poser?

The cuts are going to get worse. Believe me. Far too many "green" impliments are going to be proven too expensive to activate. Our economy is no longer in any shape to roll with the environmental punches. There will be lots of talk, but I cannot see in the foreseeable future, any real work being done. Currently, it looks next to impossible to get China or India on board for any kind of environmental agreement. Until these counteries change their minds (and it does not look as though they will) all we will hear is talk. Many politicians (like Corzine) talk the environmental talk, and much of it is to appease their voting public with the hope that they will remain in office. Al Gore is no model to follow. His exploitations of what he preaches are now known, and he is no example.

POLL:When I go to the store and see those....?

Yes smash them as when I use them I find I have the opposite and mine's too high. They are worthless as they're way overused. I hate them too! Shall we have a party and go out and smash them all? I'll bring my small sledge hammer.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Can i keep bengalese finches with rosa bourkes?

I have never tried these together,I think they would agree. Bourks are usually docile but there is always the exception.If you have got the room to split them if there was trouble then go ahead and give it a try.It is when you put nest boxes in that the troubles start.

Calculating the Vapour pressure of Water?

I need to calculate the vapour pressure of of water in an experiment I have done for chemistry, and all I have is the tempurature of the water in the particular flask that I am calculating the pressure for, but I don't know how to go about calculating it in terms of Torr.

A paradox for believers?

i do not believe any one goes to hell, but killing someone deliberately so they will get to heaven and therefore get to heaven does not really work.

Why does peter czech(chelsea keeper) wear a head brace?

because the collision he had in the 2004/05 season when he collidee with a reading player i dont remember his name he was out for 2 months

Ok so i need an answer b4 friday, i wanna make my friend a crochet bracelet *read on*?

im a guy shes a girl and i wont c her nxt yr and i wanna make some braclets so we remember each other

I quit smoking! When will I cough up flem?

Hi...This is a question for all you reformed smokers out there. I just quit smoking..this will be my second day. :) woo hoo... but I was wondering when I start to cough up flem..This might sound crazy (tee hee)but I can't wait to cough it up. Ive smoked for about 10 years..but only heavy the past 3 years. Thanks

I have a natural gas fireplace that I have.....?

always used natural wood in, never using or hooking up the gas. I used it as just a regular wood burning fireplace. I am now thinking of buying the gas insert logs so I can have a fire at any time and leave the messy wood burning fireplace to someone else. My fireplace is already set up for natural gas if I choose to have it. Can I now change it to the natural gas logs or have I possibly damaged the fireplace by burning wood?

How can I improve my people skills without being ridiculed or offended?

It sounds like you have found yourself in a toxic work environment. The way your co-workers and managers treat you is not right, and you shouldn't have to subject yourself to that. Learning to be more of a people person isn't easy, and it's not something that will happen overnight. There are tons of self-help books out there that will help you on your way, and like the person above me said, the best way to become more comfortable around people is to actually BE around people. It would help if you spent more time with your friends that you do have, or just go out to social events and learn a bit from watching others and being around strangers in general. You're never going to be employed in a workplace where you'll get along with everyone there.. that's pretty much impossible. People's personalities clash and there will always be no matter where you go. You might even benefit from seeing a psychologist/therapist. They have excellent programs designed for people who do not have the best social skills/ are not comfortable around people. You'd be surprised at how much you might benefit from a little group therapy. In the meantime, find another job where people respect you. I think you should look into it. Good luck!

Whats flo Rida's new song cald?:?

the song is called right round. im not sure if it is on i tunes but if you go check im pretty sure it is. if it isnt you can go onto bear share or share bear whatev they call it or you can go onto limewire. i dont reccomend limewire because it totally kills your computer and if your like me you love your computer so dont go onto limewire unless you have too.

Was he hitting on me or just wanting to befriend me?

Considering all of the effort he put in to trying to form a connection so quickly, it's obvious that he likes you. Regarding a previous answer, not all boys are dbags, and don't do nice things just because they want to 'pipe' you. Please don't listen to that. He just sounds like a respectful guy, and if he's attractive, then I think you should respond:)

Do I have to use anotehr piece of paper?

I am writing a paper for my English cl, I am in college...freshman English....anyhow for when you are writing in MLA style and you have to cite a I have to use another page for one single book when the last page in the paper only has a sentence or 2 on it? it seems like such a waste of paper.

An appeal to christian and Jewish ladies?

We can speak up for their rights but they have to ert themselves as well. If you are to be taken seriously, then you must learn to speak up for yourselves, too. Good luck with it.

What do I do about my xbox friend?

Recently I have been playing xbox more. I met a guy who I really click with. I don't like him like that because I don't do the internet date thing and there's a 3 year age gap. He's more like a brother to me. Anyway, he's been having some physical problems lately and he's always in a bad mood. I trust him whole heartedly and he's told me everything about him. I know that I need to be "wary" on the internet, but I care deeply about my friend and I worry. I miss the way he used to act when we first met. He's changed a lot and I know something's wrong. Is there anything I can do to help him?

What radio station is carrying the nascar race in Pierre South Dakota?

AM 1240 KCCR-AM. (MRN) But if you don"t want to hear static go to there website and they let you listen to it there for free

Is g juice healthy on a diet.?

I am a little confused about something. I have followed two diets in the past five years. Atkins and South Beach. These days I follow the South Beach diet more then ever but something about it confuses me. Besides water the diet encourages drinking vegetable juice, water and some diet soda and crystal light drink mix. But the diet frowns on g and orange juice saying getting your fiber from whole fruits is better which I agree with. But there is no way in this world that you can convince me sugar free drinking products or better for you then things like g juice which as we all know is very healthy for you. My question is do any of you think there is a way I can incorporate g juice into my diet without ruining it? Thank you.

Are you able to travel to the US with a DUI and/or Dangerous Driving offense?

I'm guessing you're trying to come into the US from a foreign country? The immigration paperwork that you fill out and sign during the flight asks if you have been convicted of a felony but it's more of a formality. There is no way that the US can verify the information provided by every tourist that comes to the US. These offenses that you listed doesn't not constitute a danger to national security especially if you're a tourist. Don't worry about it and don't cause trouble while in the US.

Is it haram to wear shoes made from pig skin leather?

Mam believe me that "the blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from every sin" first epistle of John 1:7 The body will not inherit the kingdom of God. Accept Jesus into your heart and rejoice day and night.

Has anyone heard about "The Vampire Diaries" coming out on the CW in the fall? Will it be good or bad?

I saw some clip or ad for it and was wondering if anyone had heard whether or not it's good - I'm in love with True Blood on HBO and I'm sure it won't be as graphic as that, but I also loved watching Twilight (after reading the books of course!). Just want to know if anyone thinks it'll be worthwhile.

Tragedy of Julius Caesar, act II help?

What does the following sentence mean: Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough/ to mask thy monstrous visage? Seek none, conspiracy/ Hide it in smiles and affability.

What happened to the original quiznos mascot?

Apparently, they felt like their old marketing wasn't working, so they tried something new. Too bad they haven't done that with their food.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stop distracting me!!!?

Lol my brother is in college and has exams next week too and he's just sitting watching TV!! I'm telling him go study! He tells me don't tell me when to study. lol

What do you think about...................?

Girls with red hair? Are you like ewww gross a red head! Or OOOOOO look a red head! Or does it depend? It just seems like all anyone talks about are blondes blondes blondes blondes blondes....What is so special about blondes?

DNA Replication Question-Lagging vs. Leading?

I know in the leading strand it takes a shorter amount of time because it's moving towards the replication fork I believe? And it's continually replicated with the DNA polymerase III adding the nucleotides to the strand, right? The lagging strand however can't move that way because it goes from 5' to 3'. As a result, the DNA polymerase III must add the deoxyribonucleotides in Okazaki fragments. The exonuclease removes the RNA primers after that DNA polymerase I replaces it with DNA. Is all of this information correct? I've been getting different takes on all of it. :/

Which girl names are better?

I love the name Sabrina, it's way more original, yet way more normal that some of the names on that list. That name is beautiful. Please pick it!

Why do people blame Bush for the economy?

He is the President, not a dictator. He needs cooperation in order to move his economic policies. He warned congress about mortgages, they didn't listen. As long as people keep blaming the President for everything (this includes Dem Presidents) they won't focus on the real problem, congress.

Should i be worried about this?

Hey everyone, i started working with chicken feathers making fishing lures, about two days after i started i became real sick, lightheaded, dizzy, weak, and congested. I have a doctors appointment Friday, just wanted to see if anyone can tell me though, kinda worried, Ive heard some bird feathers have disease or can make you horribly sick.. Thanks.

Is it bad to start 3 guys from the same team?

They're all great starts. Start all 3. I don't like to treat players on a team basis; I value them individually.

In the NFL, who do good teams (ie Indy) have many Sunday games at 8:00, but bad teams (Rams) never play at 8?

The Sunday and Monday night games are shown nationwide not just in the local market. Nobody wants to see bad teams so its bad for ratings.

Why do people support bigots like bill o' reilly?

Let's see, honest, straight forward, ability to crush liberal agenda in a single moment, fair and balanced, bigot? Well my news doesn't allow time to watch The View, most trusted liberal news source on tv, no time for Mahr, or Palosi. Thanks I did not know I was a bigot, got to go tell the family, as soon as disneyland closes, their their waiting for the cabinet, they thought the ride would be fun. God Bless America, and thanks for nothing. I can't really argue with ignorance.


it is always hard to move on you cant think about it or it will get worse the right guy will come one day just wait and you will find him

I have someone using my yard as a turn around do you think my answer to the problem is wrong?

I just put down gr seed and I put a 2x4 down to deter them but, they keep driving over it so, I put some screws in the 2x4 which should be enough to deflate the tire. Am I justified? I could care less because I will be moving soon. What do you think?

How can we stop the endemic of leprosy in New York from spreading to the rest of the country?

Stop the illegal immigration, period. I know in the past those immigrating legally had to p a physical to be sure they were not bringing in diseases and sickness that we do not find here in our country. If these physicals have been stopped for whatever reason, perhaps they need to be reinstated for those immigrating to our country legally. Same goes for Visa's etc.

Whatever happened to Triumph, the insult comic dog?

What happened to the puppet dog that was on Conan a few years ago? He was hillarious. Did NBC get in trouble with his insults? It would be great if he made a comeback. Just think of all the Michael Vick jokes he could do!

Who can play eruption?

Yeah I learned how to play it like 10 years ago, and you are right, it isn't really that hard. Try learning Eugene's Trick Bag by Steve Vai, much more difficult.

She cried and left after ?

Have you tried getting in touch with her? Maybe she's not properly over her ex but thought things would feel right with you but it wasn't? Maybe she's just attention seeking? The only way you will know for sure is if she will speak to you about it.

Need a Tutor/Retired Teacher to Homeschool?

I'm looking for a tutor/teacher to homeschool my 13 yr old. Female preferred, reasonably priced and someone who is interested and truly wants to help and not only doing it for monetary reasons. I live in South Ozone Park, NY. The public school he goes to now is not very good. Thanks

Really lonely and feeling down after a break-up? advice please?

You know God might be a little bit busy right now with all the insanity in the world. So you know the old saying? There are plenty of fish in the sea. Get your fishing pole out, throw out your line and see what you catch.

Who will win the SuperBowl next year?

I am a huge fan of the NY Giants so of course i say them. We need to improve much though. We cant fumble after big runs and tip for interceptions. Thats what cost us some games

Is it illegal to wear a self made band logo/name sign?

I've thought about creating an Avenged Sevenfold design so I can place it on a shirt or something. Not to sell but to just show off. (Maybe sell but I seriously doubt it') Is that legal cause I don't want to deal with copyright or trademark. (what ever they are)

Bears fans : What would hurt the most ?

Not a Bears fan, but I find this question interesting. I think losing to the Packers would be worse. The Seahawks have at least proven (based on the game last week) that they have potential to do great things. Their 7-9 record went out the window once they beat the Saints. I am in no way suggesting that the Seahawks are a top tier team, but I am saying that their 7-9 record didn't matter after the playoffs started because they proved that they could turn things on at the right time. But back to the Bears, I think losing to the Packers would be worse because the Bears/Packers rivalry goes back for a long time. Rivals especially heated rivalries within divisions usually have one mission and that is to embarr the other rival. If the Packers and Bears faced in the NFC championship game, and the Packers won it would be embarring because it would mean the Packers would have beaten the Bears two straight times in one season. It would also mean that Lovie Smith's goal of "beating the Packers" was a wash. Rivalries mean so much more than losing to teams that no one thought could win. Besides the Seahawks might have been 7-9, but they are not all that bad, they are just inconsistent.

What happens if neither presidential candidate earns 270 electoral votes?

trust me.. one candidate is going to win 270 electoral votes... but if that doesn't happen i think they pick the highest electoral score each candidate has.

What do I have to do? ?

Not a chemistry expert but I would say the next step would be to interpret your results. I suspect there is some sort of equation you can use which will allow you to calculate the concentration of the CaCO3. It may involve working things out into moles or possibly drawing a graph and reading of the results.

Will my boyfriend of 4 years eventually miss me if I give him space?

Yeah you definitely need to take a break from him. If he cares about you he will crawl back to you. But with that said, I think for your peace of mind, you need to step off the four year rollercoaster ride indefinitely. Honestly from what I am reading, you two should end it and go your seperate ways. You should meet someone who will be your biggest fan and will love and care for you in good times and bad times. You are leaving highschool and entering adulthood. As a woman you should realize that no guy should ever make you feel bad and that you can do better than him. You be the one to dump him and do it over the phone. Trust me you will thank me for this. You have the rest of your life ahead of you without having a ball and chain around your ankle. Good luck and happy fourth of july!

I won brutish lotto but i gotta pay 2 much be 4 i get paid?

has anyone had this problem? i have to pay a courier 2000.00 dollars fo what they say is a 101,000 dollar payoff.........i dont hav that kind of cash. ???????????

How epic would it be if President Obama and the GOP nominee had the same number of electoral votes?

I'm thinking of the most real epic thing to happen on earth and the most epic thing would be a dem and republican getting the same amount of electoral votes. lol just imagine the funny political chaos it would cause

Guys: Your input on UGGs?

i don't like it when girls wear them there called uggs for a reason there ugly and it's true pulse it looks like you beat up an eskimo and stole their boots

Gonzalez of Bruce in keeper league?

I'm in a 12 man keeper league (3 year max to keep a player - can only keep players in the 5th round or later) and will be targeting either Carlos Gonzalez or Jay Bruce with a mid round pick. I love both of their potential (Bruce ready for a rebound, CarGo power/speed), but will probably only be able to snag one of them - which do you prefer long term?

SNL Cheerleader skits?

What were some of the SNL cheerleader skits with Will and Cheri that you can remember? Which are the funniest?

How to deal with an unfair teacher?

Well, theres this PE teacher and she's always putting the white students in the best teams and choosing them for the activities, even when they aren't THAT good. Then there's the other kids, that she's always leaving out. She constantly forgets my name and whenever I do anything good, she never takes it in, she only looks at my bad points. I'm quite good at PE compared to some other people and she's going to put me in the bad group - even after I did well in my rounders and athletics marks! There are loads of other students that are worse than me, too, but she seems to forget COMPLETELY about me. It's not JUST that she's racist, she just has her favourites. They're not even that fantastic! What should I do? Please help. :/

Where can I watch Shutter Island online in full length?

I want to watch that new Leonardo DiCaprio movie called Shutter Island online. I want to see the full length version. Can anyone tell me where to watch it?

Why so serius! let's put a smile on that face!

I loved the scene where he walked in the room and said "well hello beautiful" You must be harveys squeeze!" It was funny but creepy that he forced her to look at him.What was the best scene and do u agree with me?

Am doin BE mechanical first netbook enough or i need a laptop?can we use cad like softwares n netbook?

NO ...u need to buy a good laptop with atleast core2duo processor and good ram of 2GB to run CAD software ... my one of the friend persuing mechanical-final year and he found a great usage of processor ,ram and graphics while doing CAD work .. and now he's doing project work on SOLIDWORKS core2duo processor, even internal video graphics(not dedicated) , 2Gb ram and 160-320GB hdd will be the good option and this will cost around Rs32000-Rs35000 in which u will get T6x00 processor ,2GB DDR3 ram ,320 GB hdd a good built in speakers ,dvd-rw,wifi,bluetooth,webcam everything drop the idea for Netbook and go either in ACER or LENOVO ... don't buy Dell or Compaq (HP) products ..

Why are you voting for McCain

I am voting for him because I do not believe he is a liar and I believe he has the best interest of this country at heart. I also believe obama does not care about the future of the country, he only wants the presidency at all costs.

School Radio Station?

I am proposing to my school to start a radio station ( i am a freshman in high school.) I am going to start a club, with a teacher moderator and i already have a group of kids to start out. My school funds these clubs.. so how much would a small radio station cost? What would i do to get started?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to display a random string from a linked list in C++?

random access with lists is really tough. how would you do this when you can't access a single element at random as with arrays (ie node[5])? In java ( and maybe c++ ) the collections libraries ( for vectors and the like ) have a shuffle() method that swaps around the nodes "randomly" but I'd have to guess this is a really complex operation and also very very slow. Then again im no expert so hopefully someone else can give you a concise answer on this.

How do you feed a baby bird?

I found this baby bird in the grate to my fireplace, the nest is in my chimmy so there is no way to get it back to the nest. I called animal rescue and they will be here in the morning but that is at least 7 hours away. It needs to be fed every 15 to 30 minutes. I have done everything it said to do to try to feed it. Is it simply not hungry or do I force its mouth open? It has been stuck there for about a I would think it would be hungry.

What kind of runner am i ?

It is hard to say without knowing what training you did to achieve these times. Regardless, I'd say you were a sprinter and even if you aren't for the long term it would behoove you to develop your speed before moving on to longer distances. That will only help you.

I will ask like this is this a good score?

Force Colonel George Hall was a POW locked in the dark box of a North Vietnamese prison for seven grueling years. Every day Hall played a full game of golf in his imagination. One week after he was released from his POW camp he entered the Greater New Orleans Open and shot a 76


the first recorded observation of hydrogen gas was made by the famous alchemisty, Paracelsus when he added iron to sulfuric acid. Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas at 20degrees C and 98kPa produced by adding 10g of iron to excess sulfuric acid.

Do you think my mom overreacted?

yea i think thats kinda extreme . you paid for the movie then drug you out because she didnt want you to see somethin you already know about....

Who got their BFP after?

I'm just wondering how many of you got your BFP after you were 5 weeks? I'm talking about a solid BFP on or around the time you would be 5 weeks or even later than that?

Do people in Afghanistan want the Taliban ?

Taliban were originally the mujahadeen who were fighting against the russians in afganistan. I dont think afghans want to live under the taliban

What job should i work towards?? pls help?

Talk to a career counselor, either at your school, or a local community college or something. They can give you some tests like the Myers-Briggs, or the Strong Interest Inventory, and then talk to you about what the results mean, as far as what kinds of careers might be good for you.

Lego Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Battle of the Bridge Boss Battle help?

Same problem - I sit there and fight the Thugee guys for 20 minutes, but none of them drop swords! The only ones with weapons are at the bridge exits and they drop the crossbows only. What's the deal here? I tried fighting only on the bridge and only at the exits, but still no one drops a sword. I'm obviously doing something wrong, I sympathize with the original poster. Ugh.

Company making a employee sign a 2 yr contract for going to training?

yes, employers can make you sign contracts like that. I just signed a contract with my job, i work at a childcare center and i can work there just as long as i promise to get my bacelor's in education. So they pay for my tuition and books but i have to work with them until i graduate.

I accidentally put a small scratch on the bottom of my crock pot. Is it still safe to use?

Did you scratch all the way through the glazed surface ? If so, then I would say pitch it and buy a new one. You run the risk of a leak, not to mention the possibility of bacteria breeding in the softer ceramic underneath. I wouldn't take a chance for what a new one costs it's not worth it !

On Sirius XM 60's on 6 channel, there's a city of the day. What was the city for Monday, June 7, 2010?

The clues were that it has an Elvis connection and that if you live in this city, you're near "Climax"

For AP Bio lab 8 could anyone explain questions 3 and 4?

Hardy Weinberg principle satets that frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population remain constant from generation to generation. So in your case, does the PTC allele remain constant?

How can Singapore reduce carbon dioxide emission without using nuclear power in the near-term?

Singapore, on per capita basis, is ranked on the top of the nation on greenhouse gas emission. It currently has about 10 GWe of generating capacity and it is growing at about 5% per year. Singapore's dependency on oil and gas for power generation could put Singapore in deep trouble in war time when the shipments of oil and gas are interrupted. Even in peace time, the carbon tax to be imposed on advanced nations like Singapore is going to raise the price of electricity. Most nuclear power reactors such as PWR, BWR, CANDU and VVER are not suitable for small countries like Singapore because the power rating of these plants are too large for a reliable grid and building these plants requires a huge exclusion zone which Singapore does not have. However the pebble-bed high temperature reactor being deployed in China (Shidaowan, Shangdong) is an exception. The reactor is walk-away safe and it needs not containment or exclusion zone. It is also proliferation resistant. A 10 MW unit has been built on the outskirt of Beijing since 2000. It has been demonstrated to be pively safe in 2004 by shuting down the coolant flow without scram while it was in power operation. The reactor can safely remove its decay heat without any damage to the core. The coolant output temperature is 750 C and higher so the plant's thermal efficiency is 45% higher than conventional nuclear power. The high temperature output can also be used for petrochemical process heat and hydrogent generation. The output rating is 100 MWe and easily integrated in a smart power grid. So this type of reactor is very suitable for Singapore.

Who sings this sing "uwho u so superfly, uwho u so superfly, lala la lala lalallala?

I heard this on the radio but dont know who sing it or the name/album/person who sing it. sound like will i am and Gwen s

1969 plymouth hood?1970?

try this web site they have access to all kinds of mopar parts including links for used parts also,and the can find you a hood like that,good luck on it, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My domestic hot water pump is noisy?

I have a Potterton boiler that when it is switched to hot water the pump is noisy. Currently a loud hum that can be heard throughout the house. The system is about 7 years old. Is the pump about to fail? Should I be changing it now or is the noise just systematic of an ageing system?

Rate my team (ff)?

8 out of 10. The only area u need help in is wide recievers...everything else is fantastic. AP and Ryan grant are going to carry your team for sure. You have the best tight end...and one of te top tier qb's.

W science ques ton for u all

we have nucular engines space is a vae if you added tritium or to the excust what is start a fussion reaction causing speed

Can someone explain this poem for me line by line, its meaning and its imagery? thanks in advance?

This poem is written in modern English, has no obscure meanings, and is easy to read. Have you tried reading it aloud and taking notes as you go along? What does each line say to you? Poetry really doesn't work well when it's second hand. Your reading of it will include your reactions to it, and the memories or feelings that it evokes in you.

Would you mind answering a few questions upon the subgect of philosophy?

Could you please re-organize and ask these questions individually. You have some good questions here but it's too much for one question. (much less one answer)

Pakistan and Syria attacks by the US. What is the deal?

Is anyone else ticked off about this. Why, now, are we launching corss-border attacks into countries that we are not "at war" with or that we are not "in defense" of? Why is the government not even acknowledging these attacks? This is the sickest move on part of the Bush administration. Is there some immediate threat to the safety of American people right now? or is this some attempt to stir up a global conflict for purely political reasons? I'm disgusted.

How to clean suede bag?

i have a great suede bag in light brown with yellow handles and it needs to be precisely clean but im worry to leave it for dry cleaners (bad experience) and wonna do it myself... any ideas what i can use to clean it???

Essay is not a valid question on goolge?

i tried to find out information on my essay. i'm writing it for my uni papef. final thesis yayayayayayyayay. i wanted to find our if i plactizized the entir. i don't want my teacher to give me that stern lookn he gioves me and his salt and pepper nose hairs flare OUT into thwe ind. herlp me please.

Is the game Brink any good?

It has some bad reviews and alot of people say its not worth buying what do you think about the game

Answer me this please?

Haha, I'm the one who always does that in my relationship! I don't know what causes it. I guess I feel like my legs are falling into a pit and I have to shake them to remember that I'm laying down.

Out of these wrestlers which one is the best.?

its tough to choose among them since i like them all.. but i think i'd go with chris benoit.. all were great mat technicians & highly prolific wrestlers but chris had something that the rest on the list didn't have.. he had the courage to go beyond his means to entertain people.. the bumps that his head had suffered were the proof of his boldness & guts.. & sadly, such audacity had caused him his life..

Idea's on cooking a 4lbs young chicken.?

I have a 4lb young chicken I want to cook today. Sick of making the same thing the same way over and over again. Could use some fresh idea's. I have a crock pot, a small roaster but no roaster to go in my oven. Thanks!

What black man said , brother your more app to find mew in a crack house than the white house /?

yet he is thought to be one of the greatest scholars of our time and was even called for consult by the Obama administration and many other heads of state, also the last time a Democrat was elected into the white house he almost gave up on the USA . a hint CW

Were can iget a cheap pair of snowboard boots like im talkin 60 $?

okay so i have been looking every were on ebay and craigslist for a pair of mens size 8 i need help im taking along snowboard trip and i realy need a pair of boots

Cookin Help. My daughter has these problems on her homework and I am confused. please help:-) thank you!?

Not being disrespectful or anything but should ALLOW your daughter to figure it out on her her a dictionary and have her look up those can't help her forever...she needs to learn how on her own...eventually...

Kinda embaring...any way to prevent this happening or make it less noticable when i exercise...?

I have the same exact problem. Im 19, and it seems like my *** is the only place I sweat from. I've had this for years, and I get a patch too when I sweat. That's how bad it is. So at least you're not alone. As far as how to stop it, I have no idea. I have wondered though that maybe your *** hair might cause this, but Im not sure. Thanx for posting this question, I hope someone has a solution for the both of us.

Muslims answer only please!!?

my muslim sister wants to have a baby but cant coz of her age she is muslim and married to a muslim.. i am not muslim but my husband is muslim.. is it allowed in the qu'ran for a women to allow her husband to impregnate another women with his own sperm without being in contact with the other womens body ie. sperm insemination. my sister and i would like to try this but she is worried that it might be haram.. please refrain from any hurtful or judgemental remarks thank you

Xbox live gamtertag ideas for brother + sister to share?

hmm,, maybe you thought of this already, but did you try combining the names? so it'll go something like: ChantLand or Courtelle

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it safe to use filtered fountain water? Should I just buy distilled or spring water at the store?

I saw an insect on the water fountain. Not literally on the area where the water comes out but i twas by the drain. We have filtered water on the water fountain in the lounge at my dorm and i'm not sure if I should use it because some people might spit in it. Sometimes it looks like someone might of.

How the aztec got to the valley of mexico?

Migrated from the north on foot, saw a bird with a snake in its mouth land on a rock, and believed it was an omen, so they stopped and settled there.

What's the name of the brand new song feat. Lil Wayne and the chorus says "In the ghetto, ghetto, g--g-ghetto"?

It's really upbeat and almost has like a old-timey feel, like modern hip-hop, but has like a Lionel Richie type of feel in the background...? I just know it's brand new and features Lil Wayne...

BIO HELP ASAP!!! 10 Points--Best Answer!! ?

These are all major concepts, not quick answers. They are also all basic concepts that you should know from cl. I suggest reviewing your notes and book, and talk with your teacher to get help. Come on here to ask specific questions while you are reviewing, not to try to learn a month's worth of information.

Why do people believe Obama is the AntiChrist?

I have heard and seen many people claim that Obama is the next AntiChrist or Hitler....I even have seen the "Pastor" Manning videos on you tube with this so called "pastor" calling Obama a man from hell..what is up with all it just ignorance and stupidity??

Who said this-"mccain is nasty and mean spirited"?

I don't really understand what the first part is saying/asking...but I think McCain is a treasure troll. Funny looking troll on the outside, and hollow on the inside.

New Moon teaser in Twilight blu ray special edition?

Today, a second version of the blu-ray comes out and it has the new moon teaser trailer in it as far as I'm informed! There was another blu-ray that came out the same time the dvd did, without a trailer though, because they had just starting shooting new moon by that time so they couldn't possibly have the trailer!

Dream of Pres. Obama & I together being intimate?

I know this sounds ridiculous but I just dreamt of president Obama (for the ? now) and I being together. In the dream there was an older lady as maid busy doing her job and I was sitting on the long cream couch and Pres. Obama was lying on his back and being tall his feet was on my lap but suddenly it happened so fast he was so close beside me and rubbing my with his right hands and i was shocked because in my dream i thought we were just platonic friends and i can not believe he was being intimate so i slapped his hands away at the same time the maid went to the door to talk to some strangers who were looking for me it turned out it was my mother and little brother (around 13 y/o in the dream but now he's 31) then she asked me where i met mr. obama and out of the blue obama yelled something from across the room i do not recall (a place, an event) but then i thought that was in another dream i had with him. i dream of him at least once a month and do not recall most of them and when he said we met at ?? then it dawned on me that it was in another dream. then my mother said if we were just friends why was he all over me? then i woke up. what was that all about???

Spanish alphabet/pronounciation?

Can anyone point me to a site where I can get an audio file showing the pronunciation of the letters of the spanish alphabet (plus accented vowels), and possibly some basic vocabulary as well?

Celebrities performing on Times Square?

oh my god. i have that as my wallpaper. hahaaa. well last year, i was damn sure that they all performed on a stage otherwise they wouldn't stand on the the ground and perform. that would be kind of awkward, you know. so i guess ill answer that with a yes but im not sure if it's gonig to be exactly in the middle of times really depends on where the NYPD says your allowed to start standing.

What makes good looking people good looking?

What makes an attractive feature? and why is it attractive in the first place? likewise, what makes something ugly? why is it regarded as ugly?

A List of Big Cats that live in africa?

Africa is mostly made of smaller cats such as servals, desert lynxes(also called caracals), african golden cats, and sand cats.There are other felines in Africa that are bigger, stronger, and more dangerous such as the world's fastest land mammal, the cheetah, leopards, and lions.

What can I do to stop this once and for all?

Go get your boys away from this lunatic!! Tell her in no uncertain term that she will NOT be allowed to be alone with your children if she can't keep her "willie" comments to herself. These are YOUR children and you have made an informed decision about their health. Your mother in law has no right to interfere.

Climate Change - Have a look at the following lists. Which side are you on?

I think global arming is a threat andI am a member of the Amer Pub Health ociates which fights for and researches improvements for public health including racist influence on poor service delivery, and favors National Health Insurance. It's the best of the group.

Silly hair color question...?

It is the same color as Paris Hilton and I think it is called bleach blonde.. on the website of pairs hilton hair colors it only says Lightest Blonde

What to do?

Hi,I am very badly constipated as a result of too much food at one go last night (one of them occasions). I have a thing where the day after indulgence such as that, I dont eat solid foods but wait till evening to have something light. Though i am not particularly hungry at all, just very thirsty and somehow craving juice, like orange. I need something that will help "clear my insides" (e.g. act as a natural laxative). Would orange juice help get my bowels moving? What kinda juice will help. Im going out shopping later on so would appreciate some input! I hate prune juice by the way and react ADVERSELY to that, stinks aswell, so forget that. Any ideas? I even thought of having just cereal (some kinda bran) but that might make the consipation worse. Let me know! Thanks in advance. Im so desparate to feel unclogged again!

Problems going to the bathroom?

so for the past week ive been not been going to the bath room regularly. ive been going about every other day and its been smaller then a regular bowel movement. its a darker brown color too. i went to the doctor and they took blood work and x rays. the blood work was fine. the x rays showed that my bowels were backed up. so the doctor put me on gycolax and told me to take an enema. so i took an enema 2 nights ago. and it kind of worked. it got some little diarrhea out and a few little pebbles of stool. but when it felt like i had a bigger stool coming out i stained and it wouldnt come out. it felt blocked or like my insnt working i guess. i kept trying to push but it just wouldnt come out. so i went back to the doctor and she told me to take ducolax so i took some last night and about 3 hours after taking two tablets orally i had cramps and then diarrhea, with some stool in it. and tonight i took two more and its been 5 hours later and no urge to go to the bathroom.

Bikers, what do you listen to?

I got a job performing acoustic covers at an upcoming biker rally. I'd like to know what are some songs that you guys like to hear.

Finding time complexity for recursive algorithm?

Probably the + 2 comes from the fact that the line return factorial((n-1)*2) actually executes 2 expressions: first it calculates x= (n-1), then it calculates x*2, and then it calls the factorial function, which has the T(n-1) complexity. So in total it is T(n-1) + 2

How to make the solid color background printable on MS Word 2003?

I know how to make a solid color background, but when i go to print preview, the background is gone, I even tried printing it out and there was no background and the watermark keeps changing the original color to a lighter color, I want it light orange and when I use a watermark, it makes it like a pinkish brown. How do I get the Solid Color background to print on MS. Word 2003?

811.1, 4.5, do you figure the upper and lower limits of this numbers in statistical terms?

Your question is not clear. If you are forming a frequency distribution, the limits should include all of the numbers. How many numbers do you have? You can set the lower limit as 0 and the upper limit as 850 or 900.

Why does matt serra barely fight'?

he and the opponents he was supposed to face kept having injuries that delayed his fights. he is getting old now too, i hope we even see him fight again.

Should I tell him? Need guys advice..?

Ok so here's the back story to my question. I started seeing this guy a few months ago. We work together and he's a few years younger than me. I was all about him but he was reluctant. He didn't want a title. When people would ask him he would say that we were just "good friends" Someone had told him that they thought I had another boyfriend and he said (and he told me this not anyone else) that he's not the jealous type and he didn't care if I needed a thing on the side. I wasn't happy about this and told him I wouldn't be in an open relationship. He accepted that. Now I don't want to give the impression that he's neglecting or mistreating me in any way, he is very good to me actually. Things have only gotten better between us, but.. a few days after he said that I went to my friend's house. He was having problems with his girlfriend and wanted to get drunk. We've known each other for a really long time and nothing's ever happened and I honestly didn't want anything to. (cont.)

Are teen books ruining good literature?

I have noticed there are a lot of poorly written teen books out there lamenting the woes of high school. I think that these books block teens from persuing good literature at a time when the are intellectually capable of reading just about anything. What do you think?

Can anybody recomend a good horror film?

Halloween, Friday the 13th, Childs Play and etc but make sure they are the clica not the movies that have come out this years cause there not that scary

14 year old FTM Transual PLEASE HELP?

They are not going to do it on a 14 year old, A therapist is not in the business of not taking people seriously but will certainly grill you thoroughly.

Science Experiment help? Smelly water?

Well, I was doing my science fair along with my partner about seawater desalination and we planned on converting ocean water from the beach into drinkable fresh water. It worked; the water was crystal clear... oh so we thought. My friend wanted to get a bacteria tester just to double check and I was going over to her house to purchase the item online. However, I noticed when I kept the desalinated water in my fridge and took it out, it had this pungent smell. It smelt like sulfur along with beach (XD). Anyway, can anyone explain that? Any brilliant scientist out there that can explain our problem?

Im going to booker high school help!?

The **** do you care if they're fat or thin? You'll be new to the school, so you'll be the one they ess, not the other way round. Know your place, know you won't be the best dancer there but you can always try harder every time, and just have a good time there.

So many symptoms but still no BFP! Advice Please.?

I was supposed to start my period on Feb 15. Still no sign that it's coming. Been having a little bit of cramps, but they're different than period cramps. Also been having a lot of preg. symptoms like serious craving for milk ( i hate milk, now i'm drinking it from the jug), nausea (vomited one morning for no reason), tender and really swollen ( are popping out my bra, sorry tmi), bloating (can't fit in my pants that i did last week), always hungry, extremely tired, clear discharge, night sweats, dizzy spells. Took several tests already but all negative. Could I be having all these symptoms and still get a neg? Or is being desperate about TTC taking over my brain. Any advice please!

Does he really Love me? or wants to use me financially? adults only Pls?

It's easy to be in love when everything is going well, but difficult when they aren't. I don't think anyone should use the good times to judge how well someone loves you, but rather the hard times. Have you ever had an argument? What's his conflict resolution skills? Does he hold a grudge? Can he compromise? Don't go starting a fight to figure it all out, but without these kind of answers, i would certainly hold off. Bad answers here may signal a poor ability to manage long term relationships, including marriage.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


This is a great and I can sense you have a LOT of talent. Keep it going. Your lover must be really lucky.

Is electrical conductivity a physical property of an alloy?

I'm doing an IB design IA on a physical property of an alloy, is conductivity a physical property? If not, can you suggest an easy one to do, besides density.

How long can my watch battery life last?

I would say around 10 years. The battery was made to be able to supply all of the needs of the watch for that time regardless of how often you use them.

What is a synonym for germline?

Germline generally refers to the line (sequence) of germ cells that have genetic material that may be ped to a child. For example, cells such as the sperm or the egg, are part of the germline. So are the cells that produce cells, called gametocytes, the cells that produce those, called gametogonia, and all the way back to the zygote, the cell from which the individual developed.

Should I get the Swine Flu shot?

The swine flu shot does not make you sick...the serious side effects for any flu shot are extremely opinion is get it..I did and I am fine..just do your research from reliable resources..not here from people like that Toxic guy above---he really needs to educate himself.

Are we not just stereotyping Christians by the actions of a few?

ok, Harold and his merry men are probably just a small minority. I am sure that the vast majority of Christians do not believe in his predictions.

Government system in Finland?

Finland is a republic where democracy rules through a President, a government and a parliament with several parties

Isotopes of a given element have many different properties, such as m, but the same chemical properties???

Chemical properties are mostly determined by the number of protons an atom has and that is a constant in isotopes of the same element

I'm so tired of hearing about Will Smith and his kids!?

u need to calm down .i understant that willow and jaden wouldnt be in the place they in if it wasnt 4 thier mom and dad i agree wit u for that but they fam is rich and the most popular fam in hollywood wat would u expect from them i know they big but not that big like justine bieber but they r still famous.

Bad things (from real life) that helped create a great scene?

I believe that the Joker was supposed to be in more of the movie, The Dark Knight. But since he died, it had to end with Two Face.

Should we pay cash for a new car?

Ok, my fiance' owes the irs 20k, he also owns 2 llc's both operating at a loss, he just cashed in a bunch of stock, now he wants to pay $40k cash for a new car! I told him now that he has some money in the bank he should pay off the irs, invest the money in tax sheltered investments and lease a car for 2 years and write off the in lease payments through his business. Someone help me convince him not to put all that cash into a new car!

What goes with these names?

if you like rose or rosie you could use Ava rose and call her rosie for short. I can't think of anything that sounds good with Ava for a middle name and also goes well with jack, harry, charlie, annie, and ella.

What do you think of this quote?

I actually like it. It sounds to me like this REB is acknowledging the fact that parents are failing their children. They are failing to lead by example. The children have no one at home after whom to model themselves. They are saying that they will not search among the children for the best and the brightest and concentrate on them as so many schools do...while simply pushing the others through. They will embrace them all and nurture them and help them to learn the basic skills that their parents cannot or will not teach them...because they themselves lack those skills. Its a great idea...and from the experiences I have had with the public school is an idea that has been too long in coming.

What are the differences between the poetry of Langston Hughes and that of WEB Du Bois?

e.g did one write more about reality and the other idealize blacks? Was one more inspirational? etc etc. Any differences whatsoever: style, themes etc. Thanks!

I want to close some of my credit card accounts I do care about my score but I have to many accounts .?

I have. 3amex 1 capitol one 2bankofamerica 2chase 3hsbc 3storecards and discover should I close the one with the lowest limits like my bank of America I had this one the longest .

How do you use a wetrock to sharpen a blade?

I use a dual sided stone,rough on one side and fine on the other.I keep it in a can of motor oil and it is completely saturated with oil.I place the stone on a cutting board ,coarse side up first and draw the blade so as the metal is drawn off the edge as i pull the blade towards my self.Sharp edge is always away from you.For the best edge hold about a 20 to 25degree angle on the stone to blade.When the blade edge starts to look good and has a uniform shine the full length of the blade.Flip the stone over and finish with the fine side of the stone.If the knife is a high in iron content remember to wipe the knife clean with a oil damp rag and let it remain damp or the edge will rust.If done properly,you can create a razor like edge.

What are the chances that God would heal Asperer's?

What are the chances that God would heal it? What would happen to the positive stuff about it (Example: Their intellect)? What if someone gets healed, and decides that they like life better with Asperger's?

Is there a town namd Wisteria in Maryland?

I was reading a book called legacy of lies by elizabeth chandler. the town in the book was named wisteria it was on the east side of the chesapeake bay ( i think) it has a stream or creek nearby named oyster creek or something like that there is also a river named sycamore something river or lake i don't know exactly. the is also a mill there and i forget the name of it. i live in rising sun maryland on the east side of the Chesapeake bay and i would like to visit this place if it is real. Please help:) thanks for everything

Sims 2 cheats dont work?

i have the sims 2 double deluxe edition just bought it but its not the first time i used it before with the cheats motherlode on my other computer and worked fine but i used it on my laptop but is not working i tried ctrl+ shift+c and the fn+ num lk but idk what to do HELP!

Fallout: New Vegas Deathclaw Bug?

I have a little issue. See, I'm trying to get Bloodborne Cave and FUN! There are deathclaws EVERYWHERE. So after killing most of them, the final deathclaw wasn't much of a problem. Except, even though his HP clearly has no bars left, he won't freakin' die. I'm using the Oh, Baby! and Veronica has the Ballistic Fist, what the hell is wrong?! I've used V.A.T.S, to no avail, tried different weapons, nothing. Rex just keeps getting knocked out too. Help me please?

Why can't the Mets win anymore??

i dont no ..its getting annoying .but the good thing is that the division is not playing that well as a whole and its only april but something must be done

Help Please!!! What is a random girls name?

i need to know what i random girls name is like for boys there is Tim, Bartholemu, Lenored, Waldo, and Harold but what are random girls names? please help...thanks

Where can i watch the new episode (ep18, season 2) of gossip girl?

i cant find it anywhere! :( its not on sidreel and i checked ov guide and loads of different websites. i want to stream it, not download it - preferably on megavideo (all the links to megavideo i've tried dont work cos its been removed due to copyright infringement) it also has to be free, which isn't. also im in the uk so i cant use hulu, cw website, etc... thank you!!!

Permanent hair straightening ?

ok.. so i have curly hair but not to curly.. its like btw wavy hair n curly hair... so.. its like wierd.. n so i often straighten it. n its weak also.. from roots.. and has become more weak and rough.. no even shiny... just like dry gr.. so.. i was thinking like.. il start taking biotin pills... for lke 2 or 3 m,onths n once my hair gets stronger il get permanent straightening.. and continue my pills.. so that it'l not have too much damage coz of the veryy harsh chemicals they use.. wt u ppl thinhk of it???? like after geting permanent straightened ur hair will become rough stringy and weak more.. so.. is this a gud idea?? like i wannt my hair to be straight badly.. with no harm too..

Did I seriously injure my foot?

I was sleeping and had another angry dream where i kicked someone- as i had the dream i kicked the wood at the end of my bed and hurt the sole of my foot. I have work experience working in a PE dept soon and have to run on my foot. Is this a bad idea, did I break any bones? I can walk on it and snowboard, but worry about running?

A week ago I burnt myself, how long until it will stop hurting everytime i touch it?

I burnt myself, it's a pretty ugly burn. I burnt it on my wood-burning fireplace, like the metal door frame part, trying to put wood in. I washed it off with cool water, and now it's all scabs, but it still hurts whenever i touch it. When will this go away, both the hurting and the burnt spot???

The love of my life has cerebral palsy?

okay so my love has minor cerebral palsy in both his legs. they're really not that bad...but today he told me he had to help his cousin move, i thought nothing of it. than i asked him why it was taking so long...(two full grown men should move a few house hold things rather quickly)...he said his cousin has cerebral palsy to, but in his arm...i did A LOT of research on cerebral palsy and i was SURE it was NOT hereditary...but they're in the same family and suffer from the same disorder. is it hereditary? or possible genetic? i'm scared because we plan on getting married and having children together. i need to no if this is a threat to my future children or not. no matter if it is or isn't we will be together i would just like to not be so much in the dark to the possibility. thanks:)

If you had to bring back one wrestler that died who whould it be and why?

I would bring back Benoit too. He always put on a good show and you could put him anywhere on the card and he would make the person he faces look good all the time. He was supposedly supposed to win the ECW title before he died... imagine what it would be like now... he would probably be the WWE champion and have some more good feuds with the likes of Morrison, Hardy, Christian, maybe even in time Cena or Batista... but tragic ending for a great guy.

Spiritually speaking how are you all holding up ?Whats nice?what do you need right now?

I need to be where you are. It was about 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 Fahrenheit) yesterday, dropped to about 30 at night, and although today has been gloomy and raining, it still stayed above 28 degrees. Thats really hot, and i hate the heat. So how about you come to australia for a while, and i'll go wherever the hell you are.

What do you think is going to happen to a traitor who gave Russian spies away?

"Mercader was sent" - wow, how tough! :) Kate, people who work in the Russian intelligence services are mostly preoccupied with a simple but quite urgent question "where and how to get some dough - где срубить бабла? :). SVR, GRU and FSB are involved in "business projects" both at home and abroad. Colonel Scherbakov's family (a wife and two grown-up children) while he acted as a person in charge of the "Russian spies" in the USA had been living in the very States providing Russian businessmen with services that looked very much like money-laundering. I personally don't give a damn when some greedy spiders kill other because of money.

What yall think of my quote/saying/whatever you call it thing?

There is a reason for what i say, its to signify thats what i need/want/love... to express above all meanings of life, above the worlds own understands, to say what you wish to say in a strong/profound way.

Symptoms of ear infection?

i have a feeling of fullnes in my left ear like the feeling you get when your ascending in a plane.Also suffering intense pain in the ear c which increases madly when i tilt my head. It feels like i also havewater in my ear.

What song/musician is your guilty pleasure?

I got addicted to Hilary Duff's music last year. And that is coming from a die hard Springsteen fan. I don't know either.

Well I guess I shouldn't but I have phone with him every night..?

We're in high school. He has a girlfriend. I don't really see him at school and it would be kind of awkward to hang out with him outside of school because he has a girlfriend. I like him a lot. I told him last night that we had to stop doing this and that I would never be used to cheat on his girlfriend. He said okay but he said that things weren't going so well with his girlfriend and that he might not have one for much longer. I said that even if he broke up with her he wouldn't like me. He said "says who? you don't know that" He kept putting lots of <3's and making me like him even more. I said it was because he kinda only wanted me for and stuff. He said "you kinda only want ME for and stuff." I said that wasn't true. We did it again. Then we talked for a while about life. He's pretty cynical like me but I pretended to be more optimistic. I feel like I can't really get him to get to know be. I really want him to be myyy boyfriend. He's pretty ugly and I'm considered to be pretty. Peop

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you think you liked the method in which execution was done?

I would have to say that I felt that the execution was hurried. The appeals court seemed to dismiss the appeal without careful consideration, the filming of the "event" was in poor taste, and while I agree with the verdict I think that the rush calls into some queston of the agenda of those trying him.

Why Do Asian Men think the world hates them?

they are not hated if not why would russian want to work with chinese and even agreeing to give the ownership of zhen bao island to the chinese . It well depends on where the asian is see. If an asian in russia will never be the same as he is in other places that is far away from asia .

What is the song that says something like "I understand if you can't talk to me anymore"?

It is a softer song and it is by a female artist. I hear it on Sirius XM "The Blend" all the time. It also has the phrase "too much trouble". Any ideas?

What are a few themes from Stephen King's "Desperation"?

Desperation is about a lowly populated mining town in Nevada, where a group of people are stopped while traveling along a main road nearby seemingly by a policeman. They are taken group by group to the town of Desperation and imprisoned in the jailhouse. The novel also talks about their escape from imprisonment, to hiding unsuccessfully in the town then to taking on the Evil that has been uncovered down the recently re-opened mine. The overall theme of Stephen King's novel "Desperation" is the fight of Good against Evil.

Here but barely......?

I,m taking a guess also, I say 12. and Merry Christmas!! to you and your's. Hope you get to feeling better soon:)

I have one radiator which is cold at the top. If I bleed it, will it reduce the pressure in the system?

Sorry if this is a silly question - I have a combi boiler, pressurised system and no idea how to repressurise should I get it wrong! Would it make any difference if I turned the system off before bleeding the radiator? Thanks!

1 question asked several ways :How do you get baptized INTO Christ's DEATH, if he already died and Rose ?

when you belive by faith in his finished work at the cross where jesus died to take away the sins of the whole world at that moment jesus raises you to spiritual life, receiving the offer of life 1 john 5:11,13 and the new covenant that you inter into hebrews 10:16,18 a will does not go int effect untile the one who made it (jesus) is proven you walk in the newness of life guided by the spirit.

R&P: As Much As I Hate "Best Guitarist" Lists, This Is Accurate, What Do You Think?

Yeah, that is a good list (for Death Metal or in general really). I would also do some rearranging as others have mentioned, but it's nice to see a list with James Murphy (and Trey, Terrance, and Luc) on it nonetheless.

When do you think the Catholic Church was founded and by who?

Who you any of you think it was Jesus, pagan Rome in 3or400s and by how,maybe in 600s or anyone else,Remember what ever time you say,you have to be right ,the 8th Commanment "dont bare false wittiness against your brother".What ever you say,it can not be taught before the time.IF YOU ARE A CATHOLIC PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ANSWER AND SEE PROTESTANT PASTORS ARE HONEST IN THEIR ANSWERS, BUT FAR FROM THE TRUTH ! IT is not that they want to lie but they are misinformed. thats why today there are hundreds of ex protestant pastors and lay people coming into the church , so take this question seriously, no guessing or opions please only what you been taught or told by a non- catholic pastor...AMEN...AMEN .God bless you.REMEMBER 1 PETER 3:15-16. I promise you will be shocked of the evidents so if you answer me, answer with an open mind and heart to the truth .

Activities to do for History?

I am in 8th grade and me and some of my friend are doing a project where were have to teach the cl a chapter in my history book. I am in charge of doing an activity that is about 10 minutes long. I can't think of anything except a crossword and i dont really want to do that.

What are the Best and Worst Movies you have seen the past few months?

I think that Wall-E is the best one I've seen and Saw V has to be by far the biggest load of dung this year.

Do you think Ekta Kapoor has personal issues?

All her series involve betrayal, , remarriage, backstabbing, corruption etc. Doesn't she realise this is not how indians behave.

Gone crazy for this girl?

She dam pretty, smart, popular, nicest personality, but she has bf, but they been together for long time!!!, (im 15) i asked my friend to ask her what she thinks of me, she said im wired but very adorable, funny, nice and sweet, we stare at each other when p in the corridors, the look she gives me is out of this world, i tired to talk to her, but i cant her looks intimidates me, she the sweetest girl i ever seen, i think about all day, then week ago she broke up her bf, he was cheating on her,( cant believe he would do that to her, she had 4 year relationship with him) i have number on mxit, i was thinking to leave message about what think of her and my sympathy towards her, then come back later online and see how she respond, she walks past were me and my friends hang out, flirts with older guys, and stares at me constantly when she does this, what should i do, but sometimes I feel like should start any between us cuz im leaving in 3months, but i love her and never seen anyone like her.

What happens if I change my name while in Navy DEP?

Im changing my name since im becoming a citizen next week, what happens if i change my name? will i be discharged or just will i have to redo my paperwork

A researcher has just reported the existence of the ion O2-. Can this exist?

A researcher has just reported the existence of the ion O2-. According to molecular orbital theory would you expect this species to exist? Justify your answer. b. Using molecular orbital theory, construct an energy-level diagram for the diatomic molecule BN. Calculate the bond order and indicate whether the molecule should be paramagnetic or diamagnetic.

What is the difference between a Harry Hoover and a Henry Extra?

Checked the Numatic website and can't seem to see an obvious difference? Both are similar in price. One website is selling the Harry Hoover as a 2010 model at about �2.00 cheaper than the Henry Extra which is shown as the 2011 model. Thanks

Can somebody plead insanity to get out of a contract?

I'm really sorry to hear all that, what you will have to do file a suit against the company in court. Now the tough part is you are going to have to prove that he was "insane" and thus unable to enter into a binding contract at the time he bought the silver. Proving someone is insane is not an easy thing to do you are going to have more than he believes some far out conspiracy theories. You should go and consult a lawyer and ask about particulars in your state. Hope this helps and hope everything turns out.

CSI - Las Vegas - Voice your opinion here.?

I have watched CSI ever since it started because X Files went off the air. Im a fan. I am kind of curious what everyone elses opinions on (the characters, not the cast members) Sarah leaving, Warrick Dying, Riley Adams - the new girl, What the heck is going on with Doc Robbins and his screwing things up, are we ever going to find out why Gil is going deaf (were his parents deaf and that's why he can sign and I missed that episode), Hodges in the field, and what the heck was up with Stokes hair then moustache, etc. Just feel free to spend some time and answer. Have a great day.

What is life like for a 25S in Kuwait?

I'm stationed at Ft Gordon and finishing my AIT (25S - Strategic) and will be PCS'ing to Camp Arifjan in October. Just wondering what I can expect life to be like once I get there.

Does getting your belly-on done hurt alot?

I have wanted my belly-on pierced on the top only for agess, and my friend got it done last Wednesday, I asked her if it hurt, but she didnt describe it very well, she kept on contradicting herself..Does anyone know how much it hurts? [Btw, please no yes/no answers, gory details would be nice :P] Also, does anyone know what they do, and how long it is before you can change it or take it out? And what do you do with it whilst in the shower? And also, I have searched these things, im serious and dont want it to get infected, i just want to hear from a real person, not a leaflet, also, they all say different things :S Thankkssss x

I have a problem with squeaky wood floors, I was advised to nail the floor down with screws, then reinforce.?

To repair squeaky wood floors, should they be nailed down first with screws, than reinforce with cement Wonder Boards to keep them secured. Please advise.

Do Short Stack ever some to the UK?

they travelled there this year ! naw , you missed them. you'll be able to see some of their 'london adventures' on their youtube page, shortstackband , one video called; a little present, from london with love. thats just a song they put out as a thankyou to their fans or something whiel they were in the UK , its ont an official song. and they do this thing called Short stack tv, and theres one or two episodes from when they're in london, i think it might be ep. 27 ? they said in a recent interview that next year they're hoping to branch out and visit the UK again and possibly america. x hope i helped:) best answer ? :D x

What does "2 br apt c/a d/w $600 + util" mean in an apartment ad?

It means 2 bedroom apartment with central air conditioning, washer/dryer for $600 and utlilities are not included. Good luck!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why are right wingers crying about how Cindy Sheehan has honesty and guts they'll never have?

She is a pathetic glory hog that fits in perfect with the left and their propaganda. Her son is the real hero

LGBT: I've been crushing on this guy for 5 months and Ive just discovered that he is taken and ...?

Yes I would still get to know him as a friend but I would accept right from the beginning that he was straight. We can't always have what we want in life and this is one of those times, but we also don't have to only make friends with people who are potential ual partners.

Can Indians be divided on the issue of being South Indian or North Indian.?

Unluckily still the youth responds positively on the issue. Is it not an attempt to divide the spirit of India at a time when it is required most. I was astonished to see the comments in response to a question asked by Mohammed Ghori (Ghazi). Please refer his comments what he added at last. Concidently Mohd Ghori (The invader who got defeated many times by an Indian King Prithvi Raj Chauhan) adopted the similar tactics and then India got abused for the years. Please limit your views to the remarks added by Mohammad Gori (Ghazi).

Its probably too soon to for anyone here to have been directly affected but?

no one could watch that movie in good conscience, and continue to believe that he did that for them. no one would do that for others. that was pure torture. I think the movie helped to show the true nature of death by a Roman torture device, and it wasn't uncommon.

I was thinking of starting my own business? (construction based)?

Have you tried They have a few services that either help you start a company or actually start it for you and just pay part of the profits.

For the KC Sprint Center: How many rows are in the lower level seating (100 section)?

I know section 103 starts at row 2 then goes up from there. And I think some of the other sections closer to the stage start at row 1. I just got tickets to the AC/DC concert and I'm in section 105, row 21. I was wondering how far up in that section row 21 is?

Can anyone tell me why some of the CW shows like One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl etc. aren't on until the new year?

I am from England, but watch the shows online and I was just wondering if there's a reason that they won't be back until January???

What do these two sentences mean?

To ume that its theological pronouncements were understood by the average illiterate Christian is to misrepresent the loose, fragmentary nature of the medieval Church. Moreover, doubts had been raised, by the political disputes and reform movements of the 14th and 15th centuries, about the central structure and doctrines of the church.

Another Example of How Hollywood undermines the Family.. Author of Where the Wild Things Are Tells parents to?

Kids aren't idiots. The entire book/movie is about how dark things live in children. Huge emotions, that scare them and they don't know how to deal with. Maybe they don't because adults like to pretend they don't have them. I don't agree with how he said his statement, but I definitely do not think it's too dark for kids, because I was once a kid myself, and I remember how it feels. I tried to kill myself when I was 11, so if you say kids don't feel dark things you're lying.

Will a heavy bag with a bag stand create to much noise?

Way too much. Just like drag racers are not meant for highways, or big wheel trucks for parking garages, heavy bags on stands aren't made for apartment houses, regardless of insulated walls etc. You'd be asked to let up on your training and that isn't right either. There has to be a gym, or workout studio somewhere nearby. Use to find out. Good luck.

I dont know what to think!? I like him allot!?

ok soo i need to know something. i want to know if thsi guy i like likes me back. we talk everyday on th phone and on yahoo messenger. i told him how i felt about him like 2 months ago. and he said it was cool that i told him that. and he said he liked me too. but he has a gf and he said he wasnt going to blow her off. which i thought was relly sweet of him. becuz hes not gonna ditch his girlfriend for me. but we r relly good friends. like we will play our guitar together and stuff. we kissed once like last summer but that was it. but last night my dad was just treating me like crap so i tried to call one of my best friends megan. but she didnt answer so i relly needed someone to tlk to so i called richie (who is the guy i like). and right when he picked up i burst out crying. and i said "ill call u tomorrow" and then he was like "no, whats wrong?" and i said"ill just call u tomorrow" and hung up. and i felt stupid for calling him becuz i thoguht i caoould hold my cry in, but it turns out i couldent. well i logged on to yahoo messenger and he sent me a message that said "ill be on in 5 min" so we talked, and he made me feel so much better. and he told me that i could come to him anytime i need something. and that i can call him anytime. and that he will always be there for me. and i said thanks, and he said that he would talk to me tomorrow and said good night. i thoguht that he was relly sweet to tlk to me. becuz when i called him he said he was bout to go to bed but he stayed up with me. do u think he likes me or cares about me?

Please help me with this ap bio ?

state mendel's law of independent ortment and describe how this law can be explain by the behavior of chronosomes during meiosis.

Question about Sims 2 Apartment Life!!!?

Ok, I was playing it and when I turned my sim into an evil witch, I had her study the Neutral Magics, and guess what she only had a little bit of evil in her and when I ran my mouse over her it said"Angela Pleasant the Witch" it didn't say Neutral, Mean, Nice, Good, Bad, Infallibly Good, or Infallibly bad, can someone please explain this 2 me. She even had a broomstick that looked like an 16th century broomstick, it wasn't gray, blue, or black.

Do you like this excerpt?

You know honestly, I was so ready to diss this but when he got into the Science Fiction 'portal', you had me. I LOVE sci-fi so keep going! It's an interesting premise you have here, like the film Event Horizon.

Why is Stunning Steve Austin so overrated?

one reason: charisma. he is extremely charismatic, has great mic skills, and can get the crowd riled up in an instant. your sucess is mostly based on your personality and charisma, not wrestling ability, as shown by the many superstars who are great wrestler, but dont get a push because they dont have the personality.

I Like Birds, what on Earth do they mean?!?

I could be, and probably are way off. To me this song seems it is about a man who is not happy with todays world and he finds something very peaceful about a bird- something care free, beautiful and that can just float through the sky. Instead of all of todays world...the people....the people getting trophy wives..ecetera...

Is this laptop worth it?

Before you by any used electronics, understand that there is a risk involved with it. Your close in price to buying a lower end used one without any headaches compared to one that you don't know the history. If Laptops were $1,000 US dollars on average and you could get one for $300, I would say yes. But laptops and even a Mac Mini ($599) are now under $600, so you should stick with a new one.

Remember this TV show?

I remember there was this TV show on Fox Kids or whatever about 10-11 years ago. It was like an animorphs show where you had a Cheetah, a Rat and a Raptor as the protagonists and a Spider and another Dinosaur as the antagonists. They change into some robot machines and do battle with each other. Didn't have cable then so it's not one of the cable channels. what show is this.

How do you apply for a pardon in Indiana?

The governor gives pardons (usually to major political contributors), so give $100,000 or so to the governor's campaign fund and then ask him for a pardon.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I have the Orignal World Of Warcraft and i want to get the x-packs can i just buy the wrath of the lynch king?

Or will i need to buy them both?!? i only ask because i have been told both answers so someone please have the correct answer i dont want to just buy the WOTLK and then not be able to even use it because i dont have Burinning crusades

ATTENTION! Nicki Minaj Haters!?

Okay so tell me why y'all hate Nicki Minaj so much? She's beautiful & talented & smoking hot.People say that she's bopping off Lady Gaga. What the f***? Since when is that Lady Gaga's style? I noticed she's not something new she gets her stuff from a mix of other actors such as Maddona , Grace Jones, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani & David Bowie ,etc. I swear people need to learn bout music before they open their mouths. Sure, she has ual lyrics. NOT ALL OF THEM! Name one rapper that hasn't ever talked about or money in their raps?


I suggest saving money by going to Costco for most vacuum cleaners. They often have demonstrations there too. And always get a HEPA vacuum as you mentioned. I came across the website below when I was looking for a vacuum cleaner for my daughter recently. It has a funny cat on a Roomba youtube video too!

Aren't you excited to see U2 on the season premier of Saturday Night Live tonight?!?

im watching it now and im quite annoyed that U2 has played 3-4 songs on this show. Megan Fox was hardly on and there were not any funny skits. In my opinion, U2 sux. I have been wanting to watch it all day and I have to say it has been a waste of time. I better be careful what I say though. U2 fans are ridiculous. They have to be dealt with in a special way.

Would you pay to watch a live-action pokemon movie?

If they could master it, it would be amazing. A bit like the new Dragon Ball Z movie, but that is unlikely :(

Anyone know the chord progression for The WKRP Theme?

I am trying to find the chord progression for the WKRP opening Theme. It was written by Hugh Wilson.

Help me with my deranged psycho boyfriend, what is going on with him ?

hes a controlling surprised he hasnt hit you yet no offence...get out of that relationship ASAP sweetie...the guy is dangerous....maybe not but is that how you like to be called? idont think soo....get out of deserve so much better!!!!!

Zinc ion in aqueous solution and dilute sulfuric acid forms white precipitate?

what about barium ion in aqueous solution with the adding of dilute sulfuric acid? it produces white precipitate too?

If i handed obama my ult rifle and told him to rip of a few would he know how to or would he think i was?

Our young brave men and women are safer in the air not on the ground. We should have as many f 22's needed to get the job done. Let's cut some of those Wednesday night parties at the white house.

If i ttc tonight what are my chances of being successful ?

My most frtile days are the 8-13 I ovulate on the 11 and 12 but I was wondering if I BD tonight can I get pregnant I will deff try on the days I ovulate!

I need suggestions for middle names?

How about Sadie Rose, Sadie Kay or Sadie Jane. As for the second twin name I like Sophie Elizabeth, Sophie Monroe, or Sophie Christine. Hope these names give you a few more ideas. Good luck with your bundles of joy.

Mossberg Maverick................?

I just bought this shotgun. Its a Mossberg Maverick 12 Gauge. Anyone know if its a decent gun? Im not hunting or anything.This is just for protection. It was cheap and hell, a shotgun is a shotgun. Im not going to pay 600 for a gun.

So, Lebanese people, you are arab or not?

Lebanese people are Arabs in the broad sense of the word. If you say that they are not Arabs then you would have to redefine the meaning of the word 'Arab'. We Speak Arabic and have been doing so for the past 1400 years (some languages such as English did not even exist 1400 years ago) and before we began to speak Arabic, we spoke Aramaic which is one of the most closely related languages to Arabic (both semitic languages), and we also have customs and traditions that are (generally speaking) similar to other Arabs (not identical but similar). Therefore we are ARABS.

Carbon footprint and the green issue?

i take a size 9 shoe and i wanted to know a few things about the following, if i took say a size 11 would i leave a larger carbon than before? also if i walked on stilts with only a small surface area touching the ground would the print be too small to calculate? i want as many views as i can because this is a serious matter we are talking about and needs too be addressed ( no time-wasters please)

Can the Republicans now admit that the Iraq War was a failure of foreign policy?

If You expect the repubs to make any sense you will be disappointed. Man, I have so much more to say, but people have been reporting me left and right lately. Now I'm a little gun shy because anytime i say anything in the politics section I apparently am not making any friends. At least three of my answers regarding Glenn Beck got deleted. Sorry I don't wanna be in his fan club and i guess my thoughts hit a republican nerve. But your question is right on all counts. This answer sounds safe enough but we will have to wait and see.

Why does it seem like all the girls who won american idol have their nose pierced?

I just thought about it... Jordin Sparks, Kelly Clarkson & Fantasia all had or have their nose pierced... the only girl who didnt have one was carrie underwood... so I guess if there is a girl who can sing good and their on the show and she has her nose pierced chances are she is going to win right?

Why is the creeping BP oil spill moving many times faster than the athletic USA president Obama?

Why is this? Why does Obama have no answers and is only capable of finger pointed? Why is he overreaching his authority and not allowing the USA judicial system to set damages and rewards? Is Obama now master of all courts as well?

Will Jazz return in Transfomers? I don't think so...What do you think?

Do you honestly think Jazz will return in Transformers? I don't think so. He died in Transformers and didn't reappear in the sequel. Will there be a chance? I do like Jazz, but face some facts, he's dead!! Prove me wrong.

In what ways dictatorship is better than democracy ?

for the people of the country where this exist it is not better,but i guess its better for whom ever is the dictator .

Is this Genotype, Mutation, Apaption or Natural Selection?

I can't answer your question, but I can tell you a little about some of the options. Adaptation is a change based on the environment(hopefully for the better). Mutation is usually on a cellular level, and is a more chaotic/non-beneficial unintended aggravation of the normal development process. Natural selection has to do with how a species chooses its partners in the mating process. I don't know about Genotype, if such a true term exists.

Credit goes to Clark W Spedhard : Who here thinks that all of children should learn from John Cena's character?

Yeah I agree your question Cena is not Superman or If you think he is he just like all other wwe supestars that lost some of his matches and can't always win

Help; I cannot tell right from wrong (morally)?

A mother sacrifices her own comfort for the needs of the baby. Until you have babies of your own, it may be hard for you to fathom this kind of love. Christ too had this type of love, where he was willing to sacrifice everything for the benefit of mankind. Love isn't swans swimming on moonlit ponds, but changing dirty diapers and washing dishes. Pride is a false sense of entitlement. We can't be truly grateful to God if we feel that we are entitled to all that he gives us.

Why is she doing this to me?

she wants to be with you. but maybe a bit needy. don't see her too much or she will get attached to you and will never leave you alone. talk to her about it with her.

Ankle Pains! I need a cure!?

My father said the parade shoes from is comfortable.the opions just for your reference.

Did anyone else have a terrifying dream last night?

And if you did what was it about? Mine was about a poltergeist and I couldn't wake up,still gives me the willies now thinking about it.

My Double Cone Flower is wilting and dying. I have it in a flowerbed w/other plants and they are fine.?

Why would my Double Cone Flower wilt up and die and the other plants are fine and healthy I have looked at my cone flower top to bottom, and I don't see any reason that it would die. Can someone answer this for me?

Any place in or near Chennai, India to spend a romantic time with my girlfriend?

I am new to Chennai. I've started dating a girl here. She asked me to take her somewhere in the weekend to have a romantic dating. Where shall I take her? Suggest me some nice places near Chennai except Pondy, Mahablipuram, MGM, VGP, Muthukad. If I start love-making in a car/theatre/park here, will cops bother? Plz excuse if the ques is bad

Significant figures help!!!?

always count the most significant figures in an equation. In this case, it is 4. the 0.9214 rules this one.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to erase web addresses on your web browser bar?

Ha-ha! Wow ! I sound so computer illiterate but its the truth. How to I erase web addresses in the bar tab on top of the page? i have so many that I don't want there. What do I do?

Which one of these released do you think will end up at TNA ?

All of them, except for Kung Fu Naki who was released due to a neck injury and Sam Master J who is a pretty mediocre and unimpressive wrestler.

Can anyone tell me what is actually good about being single?

I think you should take every advantage of it until you have someone. You can go on dates with who ever you want, do whatever you want, go where ever you want without having anyone to hold you back. You don't have to put up with anyone's attitudes, you don't have to get in arguments and you won't get heart broken when things don't work out. Your time will come but you gotta be patient. Enjoy life to the fullest first. Whoever comes your way later, you can enjoy it with him. For now, you should focus on your personal goals, have fun with friends, do things for yourself. If you have attitude issues than try toning it down a notch. Think before you say something or how you say it. Sometimes that does chase guys away when there are no social filters. So if that is a problem, focus on fixing it so guys will come your way and you won't be single. Good luck. =D

Do you think that the reason I (and many others) have felt riddled with guilt and feeling 'bad'?

Sometimes when "that happens" we are not necessarily feeling bad because of our religious upbringing but for a sense of responsibility toward the other person.. We can never be sure as how we affect the life of our occasional mate.

Coming From Advanced Cles To Regular-Ed ?

So I got kicked out of advanced cles for my grades and behavior. I'm in eighth grade and have been in the program since first grade. There's only about 120 kids in eighth grade PROBE (the program), but about 350 kids in eighth grade in all.. I got to a huge school. I just want to know what it'll be like tomorrow. We were off today. I know a lot of the people in regular-ed already, but not a whole lot. My friends in PROBE said they'll probably hate me because they'll think I'm smart (when really I'm pretty average) and they hate smart. The kids in regular-ed are a lot more laidback and more into being "cool". What do you think it'll be like? I had a lot of friends in PROBE, but that's because I grew up with that group.

Can you find this for me please?

Im going to forever 21 today and can anyone get me some PRINTABLE COUPONS please it would help me so much thank you


I watched the episode and it is true how you just see young kids mainly yelling and crying for Kris. Yeah thats great that he appeals to a younger crowd, but therefore most young kids really dont understand what vocal talent is. Im not saying he isnt talented or he wouldnt be as far as he is, yet he really doesnt stand out. Its sad that people only vote for him just because hes attractive in their eyes. People should base their attractiveness on someone on Idol according to their voice instead....If only America was more honest..I mean isnt that the whole point of the show??

Help with cleaning a dog's backside?

I'm dog sitting two Malteses, and one of them always gets poop stuck to his fur. I cleaned it the first time with soap and water, cut off some hair the second, but now he's done it a third time, and there's a lot. It's almsot like he didn't finish. He sits on the couches in the house, and I don't want him to get it all over the place. Is there anything else I can do?

Is California a Corrupt Dictatorship?

It seems like the only thing California Law Makers know how to do is borrow money, tax like crazy, make laws that destroy business, tell people what they can and can't do/eat/say/wear.

Is there a "Writ of bodily attachment" out against Scott Storch? see details below?

Is it true that a Miami judge executed a "Writ of Bodily Attachment" out against Scott Storch for his arrest for failure to pay child support for one child totaling $30,000 and also $16,000 that was supposed to go for a college fund? Is it also true that he owes a total of $511,839.16 back property taxes for the years 2006 and 2007 on his $10.5 million Miami home?

What is wrong with Yahoo's crossword? All the puzzles are old?

In Yahoo games, the crossword puzzles are not updating. The most recent puzzle was published on 4/22. I have logged out and returned, but it is not updating. I like this one far better that the Daily Crossword with hints

Who would win in a fight to the death: Jesus vs Mohammed?

Yahshua(Jesus)won. Both were thrown to the mat(put in the grave). Yahshua came out of his tomb already. Mohammed is still laying down. Pretty easy to see who won that one.

Hi there i wish all of you a very happy new year?

Strangers cannot help you to marry the girl you love. The way you asked it clearly confirms that you are in government service.

Organic Chem help please!!!?

If you wated to purify a 1-bromobutane product(one synthesized by adding HBr and H2SO4 to 1-butanol) by distillation, why would it be important to first dry the product thoroughly?

Can't tolerate things touching my "bones".?

Since birth, I've been unable to tolerate things touching certain parts of my body. I would scream as a baby when my mother would put socks on me. She started turning them inside out and I was ok. When I started to mature and wear bras, I constantly tugged at them because they would touch my shoulder blades. I now wear corset type strapless bras that don't touch my shoulders. I can't even wear tank tops. When I'm lying with my husband, he can't touch my ribs or hip bones. When I sleep, the quilting of the mattress touches me and freaks me out. Does anybody else have this problem? Does anybody know what causes this or what I can do about it?

What did target do that was so wrong?

The protesters have the right to oppose a candidate and to boycott Target for giving the guy donations. Why do you think only liberals shouldn't be able to protest?

Does their opinion count?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 2 years and recently we've been fighting A LOT. We're on the brink of breaking up, but both of us would be crushed if it happened. We want to work things out and make them better, but we've been trying to fix things for a while and its not working, but I'm not ready to let go yet and neither is he. In my family and friends' eyes he's far less than perfect. They don't like him and think I need to break up with him. My question is, should I take my family and friends' thoughts into consideration? I know its about what I want and all but I'm so confused I just need advise. Thanks!

What should I say need help please?

How about "Hi. I was just reminiscing about old good times and I thought of the time we (fill in the blank) Does that ever pop into your memory banks? Give me a call and we can both reminisce."

I would be 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow..but..?

I keep getting negative test (used dollar store brand & first response)! My LMP was July 1st, 32 day cycles. So im a couple days late and no period.. but no bfp either. Whats going on? I think its time for a blood test?

Why does canada like randy orton so much?

I think orton is the man, but im just wondering why canada likes him so much.. I just finished watching orton vs benoit summerslam 2004 and it seemed like everyone was cheering him when he won.. and it just seems like everytime raws in canada he has alot bigger fan base.

New Indiana Jones movie---very disappointed!?

I saw it last night and was not pleased. I won't give outright spoilers but I'll say this---I liked the other movies because they were fun, full of adventure and didn't take themselves too seriously. They stretched the boundries of history and had us suspend our disbelief; but they did it skillfully. This movie just constantly missed the mark. Yeah, there was some cool stuff I guess but all in all, I felt cheated and now the rest of the series feels a bit tainted. The ultimate ending and indeed the whole concept of the movie had me rolling my eyes farther than I thought possible. Your thoughts?

How lond do I leave my iPod touch in rice?

That happened to my fiancee's iPhone. She left it in there for about 30 hours. In a zip locked bag full of rice. After that it was fine.

Few bodily changes possibly linked-Ive done my research but have been unable to find any information on this.?

I'm a little confused about the lymph node you mentioned. You have lymph nodes in your groin, like at the bend of your leg, but not near your .

Why am I so weird? Im not like everyone else?

I am very shy I find it hard to talk to people and just be myself around others, especially girls,I feel quite nervous in social situations. I am very sensitive and I fear being criticized and judged by others. I worry too much about my appearance and what I am wearing and i'm constantly looking into the mirror and fixing my hair, I wish I looked a lot better. I'm also very ertive and would do anything for people to like me, I'm a people pleaser and like making people happy so that they will like me. I am always buying drinks for people when I do very seldom go out, I don't have very much confidence in myself when talking to others. When I am at home however, I am a totally different person, I have confidence and am ot shy around any family members. I dont think I have low self esteem because I do think I am worthy and do not think bad about myself.

Coupon for tgi friday's california 91748?

I think their offer to bring a friend for $5 off per head is still in effect. If you don''t mind Chili's, they do have an offer for a 3 course meal for 2 people for $20. . No coupons but the website warns of some fraudulent coupons being offered in a pop-up ad. Z

Why isn' t the "US Justice Dept." called the "US Injustice Dept."?

The latter seems a far more accurate name, given the widespread corruption with the people running it, with scandal after scandal.

Help with microeconomics?

To find anything that is profit-maximizing, always equate MC=MR. Once you found the point of MC=MR, trace the dot up to AR (demand curve). That will give you the price to sell in order to obtain maximum profit.

What would happen if you have while your menopause?

THE ONLY RISK IS POSSIBILITY OF PREGNANCY - sometimes women in menopause could have spontaneous ovulation and pregnancy - discover more below

Cosigned for a car that got repossessed..?

another party was responsible for making payments yet failed obviously and got the car repossessed. As far as i was told (Wells Fargo Auto) would contact me regarding what i owed/what the car sold for, all that good stuff. As i wait, and wait months with no contact from Wells Fargo/anyone for that matter i find out that the responsible party has known the balance after the car had been sold months prior and attempts to make contact with him were made several times... BUT NEVER EVER TO MYSELF who is the Co Signer! If the responsible party fails to respond shouldn't they have at that time (late anyways) tried to contact the co signer for the account in order to resolve the matter? Still, i have no idea whom to pay, how much, NOTHING!! Is this fair?? I am the co signer and i should have been contacted 1st if not atleast an attempt been made to let me know the status!?

Is this just typical of Jeremy Clarkson?

if a land owner blocks a right of way, a citizen is entitled by law to remove the blockage to facilitate his pathway. I used to have friends in the UK who were avid greenlane users(on a motorcycle )and were continually being blocked by landowners. They applied their rights as to free page in a court of law and were allowed access

Where is this youtube video? was it removed?

its actually a few videos in parts, its david walliams and matt lucas's rock profile, jamie theakston is interviewing Gary barlow and howard donald and theyre doing a countdown of hits in 1999..any chance you could give me the link