Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I dont know what to think!? I like him allot!?

ok soo i need to know something. i want to know if thsi guy i like likes me back. we talk everyday on th phone and on yahoo messenger. i told him how i felt about him like 2 months ago. and he said it was cool that i told him that. and he said he liked me too. but he has a gf and he said he wasnt going to blow her off. which i thought was relly sweet of him. becuz hes not gonna ditch his girlfriend for me. but we r relly good friends. like we will play our guitar together and stuff. we kissed once like last summer but that was it. but last night my dad was just treating me like crap so i tried to call one of my best friends megan. but she didnt answer so i relly needed someone to tlk to so i called richie (who is the guy i like). and right when he picked up i burst out crying. and i said "ill call u tomorrow" and then he was like "no, whats wrong?" and i said"ill just call u tomorrow" and hung up. and i felt stupid for calling him becuz i thoguht i caoould hold my cry in, but it turns out i couldent. well i logged on to yahoo messenger and he sent me a message that said "ill be on in 5 min" so we talked, and he made me feel so much better. and he told me that i could come to him anytime i need something. and that i can call him anytime. and that he will always be there for me. and i said thanks, and he said that he would talk to me tomorrow and said good night. i thoguht that he was relly sweet to tlk to me. becuz when i called him he said he was bout to go to bed but he stayed up with me. do u think he likes me or cares about me?

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